Home/Electrical Installation

Electrical Installation

We have more than 40 years of experience in high and low-current electrical installations, lightning protection and measurements. Our official address is in Ljubljana, but our headquarters are in Kranj, Cesta 1. maja 75. We employ 10 highly qualified electrical engineers full time, and have all the necessary tools, machines, transport means, scaffolds and instrumentation.

Our biggest clients include Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires, Ljubljana Airport, Savatech, Triglav insurance company, SGP Zidgrad, and the bank of Gorenjska, while we cooperate with many other companies as well.

Our clients appreciate high quality services and on-time delivery, making us a reliable partner for years. This is and remains our goal in the future as well.

Do you have any questions or need some information? Contact us!
Please call 04 28 025 00 or email us at info@elbi.si. If you need professional advice, please contact our team:
Janez Bidovec, janez@elbi.si, 04 / 28 025 00
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